Are ADF Veterans Being Under-Serviced with Their Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Household Services (HHS)?

Are you getting the service you deserve with your DVA Household Services (HHS)? Or do you know a mate thats been having a rough time with dealing with DVA or contractors who supposedly accept DVA clients? If you’re an ADF veteran and have your fair share of injuries from your service, chances are you rely on HHS for tasks like cleaning, maintenance, and general home upkeep. But here’s the catch—many veterans feel they’re being short-changed. Let’s dig deeper to understand whether veterans are truly getting the high-quality service they’re entitled to, especially here in the Townsville region where 1 in 6 households have a Veteran in them!!

What Is DVA Household Services (HHS) Supposed to Cover?

At its core, HHS is designed to assist veterans with tasks that become difficult due to health or aging. These services include cleaning, lawn maintenance, and even window washing, all of which help keep your home in order. The DVA set this up with good intentions, ensuring that veterans who have served their country are supported in their daily lives.

However, while the program itself has great intentions, issues can arise when it comes to the quality of service being delivered as it is not regulated outside of initial approval through the department and then services invoicing. Are you receiving consistent, reliable help? Or is your service provider cutting corners? Or have you just struggled to simply find a service provider that accepts DVA clients or even knows how the process works?

For a deeper dive into what DVA HHS should cover and how to find a cleaner who won’t let you down, check out our guide to finding the best cleaner for HHS.

The Growing Concerns from Veterans

Lately, more and more veterans are raising red flags about the standard of service they’re receiving. In our office alone from our growing Veteran community, both clients and staff, it is and has been a problem for a while. Complaints range from service providers not understanding the DVA system, unreliable providers to inconsistent service quality. In some cases, veterans have reported that service providers show up late—or not at all—leaving them stranded and often in a messy house or with the grass still too long that they can’t enjoy their backyard. Crazy right.

Other veterans have noted that when the work is done, it’s often below the standard they were expecting. Corners are cut, and tasks are either half-done or completely missed. As one veteran put it: “It’s like pulling teeth to get the basic job done.” We get it, we’re all humans and mistakes can be made – but the problem lives in when there is a pattern of it always being like that, and Vet’s or their spouses concerns not being heard or taken seriously.

Communication is another pain point. Veterans often find themselves out of the loop, unsure when their service provider will show up or what work will be completed during each visit. This lack of clarity only adds to the frustration, leaving many veterans wondering: is this really the service they deserve?

Systemic Problems or Isolated Incidents?

The question now is whether these complaints are isolated or reflective of a bigger problem within the DVA HHS framework. Unfortunately, it appears that many veterans across Townsville and other regions are dealing with similar issues. So it is clearly not an isolated matter.

This leads us to a bigger question: are DVA-approved providers being held to high enough standards? And if they’re not, what’s being done to ensure that veterans are receiving the quality of service they deserve?

For a more detailed look into how the DVA HHS program works and how veterans can better navigate the system, we’ve broken it down in our article: Simplifying DVA Household Services: Everything Veterans Need to Know.

What Needs to Change to Improve Services?

Let’s face it: the system isn’t perfect, but there are clear ways to improve it. Veterans should feel empowered to speak up and demand better service, to both DVA and the service providers they have engaged with. After all, the DVA HHS exists to make life easier for veterans—not harder. If you’re unhappy with the service you’re receiving, it’s time to hold your provider accountable.

Here’s what needs to happen:

  1. Better Communication: Providers need to be clear about their schedule and the tasks they’re handling. Veterans should always know what to expect, from timing to the specific jobs being completed.
  2. Stricter Standards for Providers: The DVA needs to ensure that only reliable, high-quality providers are approved for HHS services. There should be regular performance reviews and assessments to make sure veterans are getting the service they deserve.
  3. Accountability for Poor Service: If a provider isn’t meeting expectations, there needs to be a system in place to rectify the situation. Whether that’s through retraining or switching providers, veterans shouldn’t have to deal with subpar service.
  4. Clearer Feedback Loops: Veterans should have a direct line of communication with both the DVA and the service provider, ensuring that concerns are addressed quickly and effectively.

The Role of Veteran-Owned Businesses

One solution that many veterans might not be aware of is the option to work with veteran-owned businesses like AAA Triarda. As a company run by veterans, for veterans, we understand the unique challenges you face. We’ve been there, and we know how frustrating it can be to deal with unreliable service. The cool thing is we have seen a number of Veteran owned and run services popping up all around Australia.

That’s why we make it our mission to go above and beyond for our veteran clients. We know the system inside and out, and we’re committed to providing the highest quality service possible. When you work with AAA Triarda, you’re not just getting a cleaner—you’re getting a team that understands your needs and will work tirelessly to meet them. If you ever wanted to have a chat to our team – reach out to them here.

What Can Veterans Do?

If you feel like you’re being under-serviced, the first step is to voice your concerns. Ask your provider for a clear breakdown of what services they’re supposed to deliver. Don’t hesitate to ask for accountability—whether it’s in the form of better communication or more consistent service. If you are entitled to a 2 hour house clean per week, then that is what you should be receiving!

And if you’re still not getting the quality of service you deserve, consider switching providers. You have the right to choose someone who will treat your home—and your time—with respect.

At AAA Triarda, we’ve built our business on the belief that veterans deserve the best. We have brought the Army Values that were instilled into us from the very first day we stepped off the bus at Kapooka way back when and implemented that into the foundation of the company here with our team. We don’t cut corners, and we don’t leave jobs half-done – other wise we might get a flash back or two to our favourite Recruit Instructors rousing on us for doing so. If you’re looking for a team that will deliver genuinely thoughtful and premium service every time, get in touch with us.


So, are ADF veterans being under-serviced with their DVA HHS? In many cases, it seems the answer is yes. But that doesn’t mean you have to settle for less. By speaking up, demanding better, and choosing providers that truly understand your needs, you can ensure that you receive the high-quality service you deserve.

If you’ve been let down by your current provider, it’s time to make a change. Contact us today and let’s talk about how we can provide you with the reliable, professional service that every veteran is entitled to.